Sarah Alfano
Pre-Primary Teacher
Sarah is our Pre Primary Teacher.
Sarah has a degree in Early Childhood Education and worked in All Saint’s College for the past 11years in Pre-Kindy/Kindy and the last two years in Pre-Primary. Prior to to that she lived in Italy and taught at St Georges British International School in Rome. She is so happy to be part of the amazing community here at Lance Holt.
strongly believes in the importance of building strong positive relationships with young children and their families as they begin their educational journey and develop a sense of being and belonging at school.
“I am passionate about the importance of affording young children time to discover, create, explore, imagine, experiment, interact and wonder through an experience rich play based approach. I am influenced by the philosophy of Reggio Emilia and the importance of a thoughtfully created environment which reflects the children’s interests and provokes deeper thinking and learning.
I believe in integrating nature in all aspects of learning indoors, outdoors and beyond. I value incorporating nature and natural resources to create inspirational learning opportunities for children. I have trained in Nature Pedagogy with Claire Warden and after having Bush School mornings at All Saints’ I am super excited to now be going to Beach School”.