Year 5/6 Camp to Canberra

Lance Holt School has been taking students on camps since it was established in 1970 and believes that they are vital to the students growth and learning. The Founder of the school, Lance Holt, stated in 1970 that, “Education through real life experiences will be its theme. The emphasis will be on children learning through doing and seeing things for themselves, rather than memorising from text books”.

Before travelling to Canberra, the Year 5/6 class studied immigration, history, politics and government. In their immigration unit, students studied the history of Australian immigration. This involved studying Australia’s original habitants, the arrival and settlement of Europeans, reasons why people came to Australia and the contributions various cultural groups have made to our society. In their history unit the class researched and discussed the history of Australia’s involvement in fields of conflict. Particular attention was paid to the ANZAC legend. This gave the class some background information prior to visiting the Australian War Memorial and Museum and developed a greater awareness and appreciation of the sacrifices made. The politics and government unit involved studying the roles and responsibilities of the three levels of government, the laws and policies of Australia, the electoral system, Federation and the history of Australian politics and democracy. Using MS Word the children also prepared an informational pamphlet about one aspect of their trip and shared this with the rest of the class. On completion of our adventure, each child prepared a comprehensive journal sharing this amazing experience.

Canberra Camp Brochure